Energetic Wellness School of Naturopathy Testimonials

"I've attended my first one week course at the Energetic Wellness School of Naturopathy, and I couldn't be more impressed. In fact, I've spent over 20 years studying holistic healing and this event may be one of my favorites. It's been so professional, the food has been fantastic, the people have been so welcoming and kind and I've learned more than I could have imagined. What a gem to discover in Oklahoma! I can't thank you enough for all that you do to bring people together in the name of vitality. It's been absolutely wonderful, and I look forward to future events. Many, many thanks." - Charlotte Kikel


"I wanted to say thank you so much for everything you do. GHK has completely transformed my perspective on medicine and the body's ability to heal itself. I have always wanted to be a doctor, but I hated the idea of using western style medicine. With the school, guidance, and resources provided by Energetic Wellness, I have been able to achieve that dream. The love and compassion shared by Dr. M and her entire staff (family) are influential to this new generation of holistic health and wellness professionals. It is hard to put my gratitude into a short testimonial, but the positive impact on my life, my family and friends lives and my clients, is truly a ripple effect because of Energetic Wellness".- Kaylin Delisle


"I searched high and low for the right program for me when I became serious about becoming a Naturopathic Doctor.  This was the perfect fit. The philosophy is different from most schools and for all the right reasons.  The variety of subjects and the depth being more the root cause and creating permanent healing rather than the suggestion of natural medicines- although those are included- was exactly what I was looking for. The resources at this school along with the Doctors who teach are incredible human beings as well as excellent and knowledgeable teachers. Their values aligned with mine and the difference I want to make in the world. I love the network of excellent doctors with such a beautiful community. Together we are changing the world. I highly recommend this program." - Christi Diamond


"My experience with EWSN has led me to believe that they are much more than a school. They are a partner. With a normal school, you take the courses, glean the information, receive your degree, and then you are on your own to utilize and integrate this knowledge into your clinic or everyday life. EWSN is different. Through their actions, the leaders of this school have proven to me time and time again that their interests in running the school aren't financial. They truly believe in what they teach and their true purpose is to spread this knowledge to as many like minded people as possible so that we can heal the world. From the bi-monthly teleconferences to the immediate answers with emailed questions, the continued learning, support, and sense of community is always there to set up their students for future success. If you are simply interested in education, you can choose anywhere. If you want a partner that cares as much about your understanding of the material and future success as you do, then EWSN is the choice you have to make" - Slade Norris


Overall EWSN Experience

"As a Graduate of EWSN, I am confident in my ability to support my client w/ protocols & modalities that align w/ Natura Laws of Wellness. Utilizing the knowledge found through carefully selected resources, I have shared wisdom and confidence in our body’s natural design to heal and with with vitality" - Shannon Roy, ND


Overall experience 

"I enrolled in the school of Naturopathy so that I could help my colon hydrotherapy patients with all the other health issues they had. Little did I know I needed this for me + my relationships. I have gained such a deeper understanding of what real health is and how the body works to heal itself. I have found a new community of like minded people who are so supportive of me and my learning." - Pauline Phillips


"I have had an excellent experience with EWSN from start to finish. I felt nothing but love and support in the 2 years I attended. The staff is always happy to help with any questions, and all are friendly and knowledgeable. The weekly calls from Dr. Deb really added that level of support that made me feel this wasn’t just some “online” program, that there were real people on the other side rooting for me! It has been a very literally life changing journey going through the Naturopathic Doctor program with EWSN. This school is a one of a kind experience. There is no other school out there that I am aware of that has such a profound and root cause focused curriculum. If you are looking for a well rounded and true education, this is it." - Maigan Underwood


"EWSN Encompasses leading edge technology and education that can not be found anywhere else. Naturopathy is truly the path back to nature but not many of any other school constraints this study of what it is going to take to get us back to a healthy state as Energetic Wellness does. Thank you!" - Diane McAllister


"Words can not describe how EWSN has impacted my life. The knowledge you gain from Day one opens your mind & somehow helps everything you thought you knew start to make sense. The paradigm shift is simply life changing!

The community you inherit is a beautiful family of like-minded people with a focus on helping others.

I truly appreciate the support from each staff member. I have never felt “left out!” I am so grateful for each aspect of the school! I started to simply gain knowledge to help my clients, but I gained so much more. Community, confidence, knowledge, support tools, resources & life long friends are all a part!

My whole life has shifted together since I started EWSN. My children are healthier and happier. People approach us often and ask what happened to your family. I smile and say learning the laws of nature given to us by our creator!!

Thank you EWSN. Thank you Dr. M & Dr. Woolley for pouring into the students and helping us gain the knowledge and tools we need to help others. I thank God for leading me here!" - Tina Hice


"As an established (but ever - learning) wellness clinician, I am thrilled to have found Energetic Wellness!

The Naturopathic Doctor program fills in so many gaps in my education and wellness clinic.

Since the beginning of the program I have seen so many benefits of my choice in attending this school.

Dr. Menzel and the other teaching and supportive staff are examples of the Transformational lifestyle taught within the program as well.

We have top-notch education, all the support we could need and a growing community of clinicians and practitioners who are spreading the great news of how the body is designed to heal.

I love the intimate gatherings whether online or in person as they never disappoint. I am always learning and growing and am thrilled that Energetic Wellness not only provides facilities this time/space but also invents so much into the students and alumni." - Stephanie Giesbrecht


"What brings us to where we are now is an individual journey for each of us. My journey has evolved from being totally immersed in western medicare both nursing and pharmaceutical careers- to a career and service of assisting others to heal their bodies naturally and biologically.

Along my path I met Dr. Woolley, the “SpectraVision: and my eventual alignment with Dr. Menzel and the school.

I thank them for their teaching both the wholeness of an individual and that to truly heal we must address all levels, body, mind and spirit.

I continue to extend those teachings to those who cross my path. Helping others on their journey and I am very grateful!" - Dr. Lori Sullivan, ND, BNC, bcHHP, RN


"The GHK intensive was literally life changing. It has completely changed how I look at life and my clients and health and medicine in general. The knowledge and insight I gained was invaluable and It has completely changed my practice. To have this insight to help so many is in alignment with the work I want to do. It is applicable, no matter your area of expertise or speciality. It was literally mind blowing. The opportunity to attend was a once in a lifetime experience. It was well worth the time and the money. I can use this for the rest of my life. " - Christi Diamond


"This was worth every penny! I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to study under Dr. Sasha. Thank you Dr. M for making this possible. I have loved getting to be in community with the other practitioners and students as well. GHK has changed my life for the better but I was not sure how to share what I have learned with others. Dr. Sasha has made GHK digestible for me and has shown me better ways to explain the beauty of the biological design of humans. He used real life examples and taught with different styles to ensure our understanding. It truly has been a huge privilege to get to meet the man who knew the man that discovered the true human design of dis-ease and healing.

One thing I wish we could adjust for next year would be the venue. This year was a great first conference, but I do not think the seating was conducive for a learning experience. We are all professionals, adapted to the situation and thrived. 

I am so excited about continuing to learn with this community and to share the truth of GHK. Coming together for this intensive has made it possible to meet my "tribe" in person and to strengthen this community of practitioners." - Kaylin Delisle


GHK Intensive

"Love Natural Laws because it is the truth!

Our world is in much need of biological living, understanding of who we are at the biological level and how we can be truly mentally and physically healthy." - Diane McAllister


"This week was spent at an intensive GHK program sponsored by EWSN. This program was designed and presented well and was a tremendous wealth of knowledge that applies to everyone.

I so appreciate the commitment that EWSN shows in truly education practitioners. Between programs like this week, monthly webinars and constantly working to update & improve products and programs. I can’t thank Michele and the entire group enough.

Thank you for all your effort in improving our health and making a huge impact in creating a better world tomorrow." - Randy Norris DC,FIACA


"Thanks EWSN for making the GHK class a joy to attend. I appreciate all the knowledge shared with us for this class. I absolutely look forward to Dr. S coming back again in the future!

Well done!" - Michiko Daly


"The GHK Intensive was so powerful and enlightening. Deepening my knowledge in this science is going to have profound and far reaching benefits for my clients and my future as a practitioner. I feel truly blessed to have the opportunity to participate." - Maigan Underwood


"Being completely immersed in 5 foys of GHK as Dr. S carefully and conscientiously explained the fascinating connection of a traumatic event on our psyche, brain and organs has solidified my conviction that trie healing begins in the resolutions of our past conflicts." - Shannon Roy, ND


"The GHK course with Dr. S has been truly eye-opening in terms of how I will communicate with my clients. The insights and techniques i've learned have elevated my Bionetics Counseling to an entirely new level. Dr. S expertise has made complex concepts accessible and immediately applicable.

I am now able to provide a higher standard of care and support. I will make a significant difference." - Becka Swanson


"I would highly recommend taking classes through EWSN. My experiences come after interacting with the instructors on teleconference as well as in person!

GHK is by far the most important topic that every person should learn, whether for personal use of to integrate the concepts into a professional health practice. Dr. Menzel takes her calling to a different level. I can tell educating people is her passion. It’a pleasure to be associated with this school; worth every penny spent!" - Diane McAllister


"Excellent class on GHK through EWSN!

Dr. S did an excellent job of teaching this course and it was very informative. I look forward to him coming back to teach again!" - Michiko Daly


"To facilitate true healing and understanding of illness GHK is not important but essential.

Great Class - Looking forward to more!" - Tim Rhoads


"The week spent with Dr. S was incredible. It deepened my understanding of GHK and how to apply it to my practice. Dr. S’s delivery of the material was concise and well organized. His personal stories about Dr. Hamer, as well as his own experiences, really enhanced the information presented. I highly recommend this intensive program for anyone that wants to deepen their understanding of GHK." - Jenine Schlautman


"Once again, the EWSN team has knocked it out of the ballpark! The GHK Intensive has been a wonderful opportunity to learn from a master, to meet new members of the GHK tribe and to eat fantastic food!

Everything has been first rate from the light filled classroom to the attention and detail for the participants comfort.

Seeing old friends and meeting new ones has been a joy. EWSN students are down to earth, smart, and eager learners. A testament to a terrific and much needed school.

Michele, Lee, Jess, Lauren, & Bree you rock!! Awesome jon and I look forward to  more of your events." - Andi Locke


"Already the first day, Dr. S succeeded in breaking down the germ layers.

It makes so much sense when you consider the developmental stages and how and why the SBS will then run in the body.

And I think the definition of “conflict: was a big eye opener for me.

Also that it is always ALWAYS about the perception of the person.

WOW! Just overall mind blowing!

I feel blessed to be a part of this class.

Thank you Michele, for making this happen!

Thank you Dr. S for breaking it down for me so it is understandable. Hamer’s teachings need to get out there!" - Silvia


"Attending the teleconferences with real life examples and experiences have been invaluable for more insight and learning and applying the topics that we are taught. I love having the ability to send in questions and to have the experts help me understand how to handle and what I need to look at. It helps to keep me actively seeking more growth in my skills and abilities to grow my confidence in this work and to be a resource as I work with clients myself. The knowledge has been invaluable and such a great resource. I'm so grateful too for the community it builds as we all learn together and don't feel so alone. It's nice to know there are other practitioners out there who are sharing their experiences as well. This truly is an asset to my coursework." - Christi Diamond


"I have found the teleconferences to be beneficial because we are using real life examples. Many practitioners experience similar clients with the same conflict programs running and this gives us an opportunity to hear what others are doing to help with different perspectives. Teleconferences also give us an opportunity to build up a community of like minded practitioners and to ask questions without feeling judged based on our experience levels." - Kaylin Delisle


"I so appreciate the case studies and personal touches that EWSN offers then students. I am grateful for the in-person classes as well. I am very pleased with the GHK class and all I have learned just this week alone, kudos to Dr. S and the EWSN staff. Well done!" - Michiko Daly


"The teleconferences through EWSN are a great way to connect with knowledgeable staff @ EWSN. I always learn lots of useful and relevant things. I love the opportunity to connect with like minded people on the same journey to wellness that I am on. Being able to ask questions and expand my knowledge in this way has been immensely valuable not only in my coursework, but also in my personal life as well. I love any opportunity I get to hear Dr. Woolley speaks, and Jessica is so warm and insightful. She’s a great teacher. Dr. Menzel’s are always so sensible and relevant. Very life enriching 10/10 would recommend!" - Maigan Underwood


“Whether you are interested in current events relating to health; supporting your body, mind, & spirit with natural laws of living; or learning more of the inner workings of EWSN. Tune in to the teleconference to stay connected within this dynamic community.” - Shannon Roy, ND


"I enjoy the connection and sharing but more important are the recordings for me!

This was vital in my learning as “time” was difficult to find time to attend so I very much appreciated having access to these recordings and teleconferences. Also the ability to go back and review again." - Diane McAllister


"What I have found beneficial about the transformation, is the simplicity Dr. M breaks down the 7 laws of wellness for everyone to understand. The transformation is simple to follow and implement into everyday life and is a great resource to share with clients. Her message of feeding the body whole foods, living naturally, and downgrading the stress of the day is pivotal for modern day wellness." - Kaylin Delisle


"With a busy practice, it is hard to find time to fully educate your patients. Being the dynamic beings that we are, there are so many different levels that will have an ultimate effect on our health! We direct our patients to the Transformation because we believe it not only provides a phenomenal knowledge base, but it also gives an easy to follow path to rebuilding their body. In my experience I can tell patients all day long that they need to do this or that, but if they don't fully understand the why, the compliance is not nearly as high. The explanations contained in this book allow my patients to see why what I have been preaching is so important! In my clinic, I value things that make my work easier. Believe me when I say this, a patient that has been through the Transformation is not only an easier patient but a healthier one as well!" - Slade Norris


"The Transformations is an excellent book, packed with tons of effective and powerful information regarding health and wellness. It is well researched and full of useful tips (and even recipes!)

For your journey back to health. Everyone who has any interest in maintaining or regaining lifelong health needs to read this book. It is the way." - Maigan Underwood


“Learning the 7 laws of wellness as found within The Transformation: 48 Days eating & Living naturally for life will bring clarity to the desire living within the natural laws that govern true health & wellness in today's modern world." - Shannon Roy, ND


"The Transformation Program has allowed me to put into practice the many “laws” I have understood individually- but didn’t understand how important it was to put them together to be my new life. I have been blessed with losing 20 pounds and have gained so much more! Yes - Structure is good. Relaxation is important - Fueling my body with only things God has created and spending more time with God to stay centered. Thank you Dr. M for writing & sharing" - Angela Stuecken


"The Transformation, Eye opening, practical and written for everyone. The Transformation Book and course lives up to its name.

From this book and course I have gained much more confidence in my parenting, practice and lifestyle! 

By learning the 7 laws of wellness and fundamental truths of nutrition I no longer have to look and research every new fad or diet! I have gained freedom to enjoy food and still be healthy!

It takes the guesswork out and gives a core foundation to eating and living naturally, the way we were biologically created!

I love making recipes from the book with my children and grandchildren. It gives me the tools, knowledge, and confidence to teach nutrient dense eating and healthy lifestyles to my family & clients!

The Transformation is written in a way that is easy to understand and follow. I am SO very thankful for this book. It has changed my life!" - Tina Hice


"The Spectravision brings balance and progressively deeper lenses helping the practitioner and client to identify mental, physical, and emotional patterns with the purpose of harmonizing our energetic pathways." - Shannon Roy


"Amazing technology that flipped my practice and was a major turn in my clinic. This device helped me to put the needs of the client in an order of direction when I had challenging clients and opened the door to assisting the client in viewing his/her health in a broader perspective." - Diane McAllister


"I only had a mini-scan, and in just 30 minutes so much shifted for me. At that moment I was transformed. I don’t know what happened, but as she balanced some points on my fingers I was moved to tears. I have no idea why, but it felt good to release that. After my scan, I felt so much better, I think that good feeling stuck with me for quite a while. I can not wait to experience it again and I am so excited about learning how to help people with this incredible tool!" - Maigan Underwood


"Adding Spectravision to my practice was the single best decision for my business. With the use of the sv. We have been able to take our wellness center to the next level.

SV gives us the ability to help more people at a deeper level. Sv helps to give validity to what we are teaching and sharing with our clients.

It has allowed us to help people all over the world as we can run remote scans and make individualized imprinted homeopathics.

I am so thankful for this incredible tool not just on a business level but also on a personal level as well. As a mom it helps me to be confident when finding the root cause and helping my husband and children work through conflicts and health issues.

I simply can not imagine our lives or our business without SV2! Absolutely a game changer!" - Tina Hice


"I tend to look for the tools that help the most and save precious time during the wellness journey - for both me and my clients.

The SpectraVision has to be one of the best investments we’ve ever made for the clinic.

The level of healing that begins during the very first scan is made possible by the awareness and practical conversation some people need to “see it to believe it” and this is a tool that allows that option!

I very much enjoy scanning and balancing the natural balancing processes within the body.

Our work ought to be fun and enjoyable and as a clinician, this adds exponential opportunities to dive in and enjoy the learning each and every visit right along with the client!" - Stephanie Giesbrecht


"I’ve been a practitioner of the SpectraVision for 5 ½ years and it has transformed and changed mine and my clients lives. To be able to exit the medical system for our emotional and health needs is an amazing blessing! I checked out other energy systems before purchasing the SV2 and this was by far the most intensive and thorough machine out there. You won’t be disappointed in purchasing this machine!" - Jenine Schlautman

"It was wonderful to gain an understanding of the way our bodies heal. I am excited to start helping people with cellular support. The Intro to Bionetics Hands-On weekend really helped me gain an understanding of the process to go through when testing people. Thank you Dr. Lee & Dr. Menzel for the remarkable weekend." - Tiffany Smalley


"Energetic Wellness School of Naturopathy and The New Human has been a much-needed collaboration, congratulations team!

I am thrilled that Dr. Wooley has the school to offer the education that we cannot get anywhere else, this is one of a kind! The value of this learning platform with the cutting-edge technology of Bionetics that complements the extensive educational choices through the school will build a well-rounded practice for many.

I appreciate that the school is working extensively to create the best setting for quality online learning via the videos, recordings, learning materials etc. I feel that I have access to anything I request that will improve my learning experience, the success of my practice and most importantly the community support as an evolving and growing practitioner myself.

Grateful to see the intention of Dr. Menzel and Dr. Wooley regarding each of the enrolled students, there is no partiality and certainly 100% commitment to the success of everyone. Really wonderful that both doctors are giving generously to meet any roadblocks or needs of the practitioner with their time, their resources, and sincere desire for the greater good of humanity.

I am excited about the school’s leading-edge education program and their desire to stay in front of the ever-evolving needs on a physiological level. Dr. Menzel was aware of my clinic and the previous education I had taken, she worked with me to create the program that would best serve me, saved me time and money, thank you!

The school is offering many opportunities for anyone wanting to be on the leading edge. My experience with the school communication between the staff and school has been very open and available with access to personal cell phones. I feel totally supported and welcomed to reach out with any roadblocks that may come up in the clinic, this is hard to find. Grateful!!

Thank you again for your compassion and commitment to aligning with the design of the body, the laws, and principles of the Universe and most importantly to reach as many on this planet as possible to bring ‘true healing back to the planet’. I am delighted, proud, and happy to be on this team of spiritually aware beings who are willing to plant the seeds of health for humanity.
Much love and joy as we cruise through this lifetime celebrating LIFE," - Diane McAllister, HHP, NTP, CGP


"Understanding the cause and drivers of illness is a lifetime of study and clinical practice. Energetic Wellness School of Naturopathy has a program that is streamlined to understand the causes and conditions of illness and the process of recovery. Dr. Michele Menzel and Dr. Lee Woolley are teaching the science of Wellness like I have never heard before creating purity and certainty in practice." - Dr. Tim Rhoads


"I have utilized and invested over $100k in tools and education throughout the years of studying holistic health. Each program had specific strengths, but none had addressed how to pull all aspects of health and healing together in a practical application, as found with Energetic Wellness School of Naturopathy. Their dedication to providing the latest information and support was unparalleled. The instructors were knowledgeable and genuinely embodied the belief systems and practices they teach.

Energetic Wellness School of Naturopathy fully delivered on the educational objectives while providing a space for personal growth and application. With the knowledge I gained through their courses, I have enhanced and supported my client's healing success in new and more abundant ways.

I am grateful for my experience with Energetic Wellness and its value to my abilities to serve my clients." -Jen Miner


"I would not have been considered a sickly child. Fortunately, I spent a great deal of time outdoors, barefoot and roaming in the nature. My father was an alcoholic. Arguments and fights were a daily routine. We indeed lived in a very dysfunctional unharmonious household. I suffered with IBS, lack of concentration, panic attacks and depression.  Later on in life, I was traveling to third world countries, and, after many administered vaccines, confusion and chronic fatigue had become part of my life. I also suffered from severe insomnia and electro hypersensitivity. I tried vegan, vegetarian, macrobiotic and paleo diets. While some helped for a short time, the fatigue and heaviness in the body would still be omnipresent.  My health has progressively recovered after I began the WAPF way of eating 20 years ago. I have four healthy children. I have been 5 years on the GAPS diet for my IBS which has been amazing. Yet there were still occasional symptoms of fatigue, short bouts of depression and heaviness in the body. A few months ago, I enrolled in the Bionetics/Naturopathy course of Dr. Menzel and Dr. Woolley. All the missing pieces that were required to complete my healing are now falling into place. I no longer have those symptoms. It's incredible. I am also using the protocol for my mother who had previously suffered psychotic problems, tics, phobias and muscular neuropathy. She was overweight due to her stressful marital life. A year ago, she looked like she was close to her death. She has now lost 55lbs, she is working temporarily as a care worker when she is not travelling, she no longer has inflammation, her tics have almost gone, and her aches and pains have diminished. I am so grateful to have come across this protocol I recommend this course to anyone that requires more healing." - Jeanene Tremoulet


"In the realm of holistic healing and wellness, one name stands out - Dr. Michele Menzel and her exceptional team at the Energetic Wellness School of Naturopathy. Their unwavering dedication to teaching the essence of true healing and wellness  trough her wisdom and the 7 Laws of Wellness has touched the lives of many, including myself.

Today, I am filled with profound gratitude as I embark on a new chapter, forever changed by this transformative experience. Dr. Menzel's story is nothing short of awe-inspiring. Her journey towards becoming a beacon of healing began with a deep-rooted passion to help others. It is this passion that led her to establish the Energetic Wellness School of Naturopathy, an institution committed to empowering individuals to take charge of their own well-being.

What makes the Energetic Wellness School of Naturopathy truly exceptional is their holistic approach to healing. They recognize that true wellness encompasses more than just physical health. It encompasses the intricate connection between mind, body, and spirit. By delving into the realms of energy medicine, nutrition, herbal remedies, and lifestyle modifications, they equip their students with a comprehensive toolkit for healing and transformation.

I am humbled and grateful for the opportunity to have embarked on this transformative journey with the Energetic Wellness team. The invaluable lessons, the unwavering support, and the deep sense of purpose that have emerged from this experience have forever changed the trajectory of my life. I now understand that healing is not just a destination but a lifelong journey, one that I am honored to be a part of.

In conclusion, I extend my deepest appreciation to Dr. Michele Menzel, Dr. Lee G. Woolley, Dr. Sally Fallon Morrell, Dr. Deb Weichel  Dr. Jessica Brown and all the extraordinary team at the Energetic Wellness School of Naturopathy. They have ignited a flame within me, one that will continue to burn brightly as I navigate the path of holistic healing and wellness. Their dedication, passion, and unwavering  commitment to true healing are an inspiration to us all." - Steve Moretta, Houston,TX


“Embark on the incredible journey of “The Transformation,” a life-altering experience that will redefine the rest of your life. This isn’t just any transformation; it’s the one that breaks the cycle of endless dieting and initiates a voyage toward wellness. Every change you embrace will bring forth remarkable benefits!” - Alex Voss

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