Introducing New Human's Next Generation Bionetics Technology: SV2 Insight
A non-invasive system which takes the guesswork out of clinical assessment with data-driven, personalized therapy tools.
Where effective next-gen technology meets smart business.
Hear From the Practitioners
"The Spectravision brings balance and progressively deeper lenses helping the practitioner and client to identify mental, physical, and emotional patterns with the purpose of harmonizing our energetic pathways." - Shannon Roy
"Amazing technology that flipped my practice and was a major turn in my clinic. This device helped me to put the needs of the client in an order of direction when I had challenging clients and opened the door to assisting the client in viewing his/her health in a broader perspective." - Diane McAllister
"I only had a mini-scan, and in just 30 minutes so much shifted for me. At that moment I was transformed. I don’t know what happened, but as she balanced some points on my fingers I was moved to tears. I have no idea why, but it felt good to release that. After my scan, I felt so much better, I think that good feeling stuck with me for quite a while. I can not wait to experience it again and I am so excited about learning how to help people with this incredible tool!" - Maigan Underwood
"Adding Spectravision to my practice was the single best decision for my business. With the use of the sv. We have been able to take our wellness center to the next level.
SV gives us the ability to help more people at a deeper level. Sv helps to give validity to what we are teaching and sharing with our clients.
It has allowed us to help people all over the world as we can run remote scans and make individualized imprinted homeopathics.
I am so thankful for this incredible tool not just on a business level but also on a personal level as well. As a mom it helps me to be confident when finding the root cause and helping my husband and children work through conflicts and health issues.
I simply can not imagine our lives or our business without SV2! Absolutely a game changer!" - Tina Hice
"I tend to look for the tools that help the most and save precious time during the wellness journey - for both me and my clients.
The SpectraVision has to be one of the best investments we’ve ever made for the clinic.
The level of healing that begins during the very first scan is made possible by the awareness and practical conversation some people need to “see it to believe it” and this is a tool that allows that option!
I very much enjoy scanning and balancing the natural balancing processes within the body.
Our work ought to be fun and enjoyable and as a clinician, this adds exponential opportunities to dive in and enjoy the learning each and every visit right along with the client!" - Stephanie Giesbrecht
"I think your tech is before its time. I don't think people have any idea what it does or what the process of backing people out of their problems looks like. AS matter of fact, I don't think they even suspect. I am now only beginning to ask different questions.. and I use it A LOT. It is my REACH of the key things! It not only tells you where and what.........and more importantly it tells you
I love it MORE and MORE." - Tim

The SV2 Insight™ Scan
By applying your patient's hand to SV2 Insight's HID (Human Interface Device), digital frequencies are transmitted through the skin to establish a two-way communication channel between their body and the computer. It learns the specific language of your patient's body by using sample signals to determine a normal or baseline mode and the range of its stress responses.
When baseline has been established, the SV2 Insight measures changes in wave patterns as the signals encounter similar or dissimilar frequencies associated with the patient's reactions to stimulus.
SV2 Accelerates Client and Practice Success

SV2 Insight is simple to learn
SV2 Insight streamlines assessment
SV2 Insight saves hours of muscle testing
SV2 Insight helps increases your profits
Hands on and online trainings that are a powerful key to your success
SV2 Insight integrates advanced techniques and protocols
SV2 Insight addresses mind, body, and spiritual trauma
Botanical products developed to effectively and precisely address the needs identified in your assessment
Your clients will feel better faster for the long-run. New Human gives you the tools to put them on the road to life-changing healing, all in the palm of your hand.
SpectraVision 2.0 Insight
Specifications & Technical Details
Lightweight, portable, and battery powered, this go-anywhere device leads the international market in bioenergetic assessment, total wellness and trauma-informed care.
Our frequency based therapies and multidimensional products support your clients to understand and participate in their own healing, in your office, their home, or even at a distance.
Learn more about this truly amazing device which continues to revolutionize wellness care, and pioneer the miracle of self-healing through self-awareness in this exciting age of modern medicine!
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Lightweight, portable, and battery powered, this go-anywhere device leads the international market in bioenergetic assessment, total wellness and trauma-informed care.